Two years to the day, after the launch of our first ever collection,
which at that time consisted of three wooden beach rackets and a
canvas duffel bag, which said more about our potential rather than
the actual products, nothing really changed.
In 2016 we materialized a dream that had be brewing for the better
part of 2015. Two years later we are still at it stronger than ever.
Back then we had "no regular business hours, and we would hire from
the general to the specific". There was no shipping or marketing
department, no human resources, no accounting and we would work
out of a beach house.

Two years later, much of it is still true; although, this time we did
branch out in the UAE, sold out every single item in stock, set up
more Ace Playgrounds than previously before and made more
friends; and today we are launching our SS18 collection which is
five times bigger than the previous one!
Maybe one thing did change though: we now work from our
own studio warehouse cause we needed a bigger space, still
plotting how to take over the world. Yeh, nothing really changed.
We are still just as smart, quick-thinking, action-oriented beach bums.
Perhaps, equally brash.

P.S. Welcome to our journey...